Beyond Tools

Beyond Tools

The Soft Skills That Define DevOps Pros


10 min read

DevOps is not just about technical prowess, soft skills play a crucial role. Discover the interpersonal skills that set successful DevOps professionals apart, fostering effective communication, collaboration, and problem-solving.

DevOps can be best explained as people working together to conceive, build and deliver secure software at top speed. DevOps practices enable software development (dev) and operations (ops) teams to accelerate delivery through automation, collaboration, fast feedback, and iterative improvement.

DevOps focuses on incremental development and rapid delivery of software. Success relies on the ability to create a culture of accountability, improved collaboration, empathy, and joint responsibility for business outcomes.

DevOps is a combination of software development (dev) and operations (ops). It is defined as a software engineering methodology that aims to integrate the work of development teams and operations teams by facilitating a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility.

Key Aspects >

The DevOps methodology is built on four key principles that drive the efficiency and effectiveness of application development and deployment, embracing the best aspects of modern software development:

  1. Automation of the Software Lifecycle:

    • Streamlining the entire software development lifecycle by automating tasks such as testing, builds, releases, and the setup of development environments. This minimizes delays and reduces the risk of human error in delivering software.
  2. Collaboration and Communication:

    • Beyond automation, a standout DevOps team prioritizes effective collaboration and communication. Seamless teamwork is crucial for success in adopting DevOps practices.
  3. Continuous Improvement and Waste Reduction:

    • Striving for ongoing enhancement and efficiency gains, from automating repetitive tasks to monitoring performance metrics. High-performing DevOps teams consistently seek opportunities to minimize waste and improve processes.
  4. Hyperfocus on User Needs with Short Feedback Loops:

    • By leveraging automation, enhancing communication and collaboration, and continually refining processes, DevOps teams can dedicate time to understand and address real user needs. Short feedback loops enable quick adjustments to meet user expectations.

DevOps platform & tools >

Selecting tools that support your processes is critical for DevOps to be successful. If your operations are going to keep pace with rapid development cycles they’ll need to use highly flexible platforms and treat their infrastructure like dev teams treat code. Manual deployments are slow and leave room for error.

Platform provisioning and deployment can be simplified through automation.

Site reliability engineering (SRE) takes these manually operations tasks and manages them using software and automation. An SRE approach can further support the goals of a DevOps team.

Containers make it easier to move applications between development, testing, and production environments. Using containers lets developers package and isolate their apps with everything they need to run, including application files,

runtime environments, dependent libraries and configurations.

DevOps and Kubernetes >

DevOps and Linux containers work together seamlessly. Linux containers provide the essential technology for cloud-native development, offering a unified environment for tasks like development, delivery, integration, and automation.

Kubernetes is the contemporary solution for automating operations with Linux containers. It simplifies the management of clusters running Linux containers on public, private, or hybrid clouds, making it easy and efficient.

Phases >

As DevOps has grown, it's become more complex due to two main reasons:

  1. Shift to Microservices: Organizations are moving from large, all-in-one systems (monolithic architectures) to more modular, smaller services (microservices architectures).

  2. Increased Tool Usage: With the maturation of DevOps, organizations find themselves using a growing number of DevOps tools for each project.

This complexity has led to a surge in integrations between projects and tools. This evolution occurred in four phases:

  1. Bring Your Own DevOps:

    • Each team selected its own tools. This caused issues when teams collaborated because they weren't familiar with each other's tools.
  2. Best-in-class DevOps:

    • Organizations standardized on a set of tools, with one preferred tool for each stage of DevOps. While it improved collaboration, moving software changes through different tools became a problem.
  3. Do-it-yourself DevOps:

    • Organizations adopted a DIY approach, customizing and integrating their point solutions. However, this resulted in challenges, with tools not fitting seamlessly and increased maintenance efforts.
  4. DevOps Platform:

    • A unified platform improves team efficiency. This approach replaces DIY DevOps, providing visibility and control over all DevOps stages. GitLab's DevOps platform is a single application with a consistent interface, adaptable for self-managed or SaaS deployment. It resolves inefficiencies and vulnerabilities associated with a patchwork DIY toolchain.

Roles in DevOps >

  1. DevOps Engineer:

    • Description: Responsible for automating and optimizing the software development lifecycle, ensuring efficient and reliable delivery of software.

    • Income:

      • Entry Level: $70,000 - $90,000

      • Mid Level: $90,000 - $120,000

      • Senior Level: $120,000 - $150,000+

  2. Site Reliability Engineer (SRE):

    • Description: Focuses on ensuring the reliability, availability, and performance of systems and applications through a combination of software engineering and systems expertise.

    • Income:

      • Entry Level: $75,000 - $95,000

      • Mid Level: $95,000 - $120,000

      • Senior Level: $120,000 - $160,000+

  3. Release Engineer:

    • Description: Manages the planning and execution of software releases, automating the release process to ensure smooth and error-free deployments.

    • Income:

      • Entry Level: $70,000 - $90,000

      • Mid Level: $90,000 - $110,000

      • Senior Level: $110,000 - $140,000+

  4. Automation Engineer:

    • Description: Specializes in creating automated solutions for various aspects of software development and deployment, such as testing and deployment processes.

    • Income:

      • Entry Level: $70,000 - $90,000

      • Mid Level: $90,000 - $120,000

      • Senior Level: $120,000 - $150,000+

  5. Cloud Engineer:

    • Description: Designs, deploys, and manages scalable and reliable infrastructure on cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

    • Income:

      • Entry Level: $75,000 - $95,000

      • Mid Level: $95,000 - $120,000

      • Senior Level: $120,000 - $150,000+

  6. Containerization Specialist:

    • Description: Focuses on container orchestration, management, and deployment using technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.

    • Income:

      • Entry Level: $80,000 - $100,000

      • Mid Level: $100,000 - $120,000

      • Senior Level: $120,000 - $150,000+

  7. Security DevOps Engineer (DevSecOps):

    • Description: Integrates security practices into the DevOps pipeline, identifying and mitigating security risks throughout the software development lifecycle.

    • Income:

      • Entry Level: $80,000 - $100,000

      • Mid Level: $100,000 - $120,000

      • Senior Level: $120,000 - $150,000+

  8. CI/CD Engineer:

    • Description: Implements and maintains continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines, automating testing, builds, and deployment processes.

    • Income:

      • Entry Level: $75,000 - $95,000

      • Mid Level: $95,000 - $120,000

      • Senior Level: $120,000 - $150,000+

  9. IaC Engineer:

    • Description: Writes code to automate the provisioning and management of infrastructure, using tools like Terraform or Ansible.

    • Income:

      • Entry Level: $70,000 - $90,000

      • Mid Level: $90,000 - $110,000

      • Senior Level: $110,000 - $140,000+

  10. DevOps Consultant:

    • Description: Works with organizations to assess, recommend, and implement DevOps practices and tools, providing guidance on optimizing development processes.

    • Income:

      • Entry Level: $80,000 - $100,000+

      • Mid/Senior Level: $100,000 - $150,000+

Income ranges are general estimates and can vary based on factors such as location, industry, and individual company policies.

DevOps Lifecycle >

DevOps covers a wide range of practices across the application lifecycle. Teams often start with one or more of these practices in their journey to DevOps success.

What is DevOps and where is it applied? | SHALB

Version controlThe fundamental practice of tracking and managing every change made to source code and other files. Version control is closely related to source code management.
AgileAgile development means taking iterative, incremental, and lean approaches to streamline and accelerate the delivery of projects.
Continuous Integration (CI)The practice of regularly integrating all code changes into the main branch, automatically testing each change, and automatically kicking off a build.
Continuous Delivery (CD)Continuous delivery works in conjunction with continuous integration to automate the infrastructure provisioning and application release process. They are commonly referred to together as CI/CD.
Shift leftA term for shifting security and testing much earlier in the development process. Doing this can help speed up development while simultaneously improving code quality.

Benefits of DevOps >

DevOps brings teams together, breaking down barriers between development and operations. This fosters a more efficient way of working across the entire development and application lifecycle. In the absence of DevOps, organizations often face delays and challenges in releasing software, impacting business results.

The DevOps model is a solution for enhancing operational efficiency, speeding up delivery, and fostering innovation. Organizations that embrace DevOps enjoy increased collaboration, smoother responsiveness, and quicker development cycles.

  • Collaboration: DevOps promotes alignment between development and operations teams, reducing friction in handoffs and ensuring everyone shares the same goals.

  • Fluid Responsiveness: Increased collaboration results in real-time feedback, enhancing efficiency. Changes and improvements can be implemented swiftly, eliminating guesswork.

  • Shorter Cycle Time: Efficiency and regular communication lead to shorter development cycles. New code can be released rapidly while maintaining quality and security. DevOps is the key to streamlining processes and achieving better business outcomes.

How to Start ?

  • Understand DevOps Concepts:

    • Familiarize yourself with the core concepts and principles of DevOps. Understand the importance of collaboration, automation, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and infrastructure as code.
  • Learn Version Control:

    • Git is a fundamental tool in DevOps. Learn how to use Git for version control to manage and track changes in your codebase.
  • Master a Scripting Language:

    • DevOps often involves scripting for automation. Learn a scripting language like Python, Bash, or PowerShell to automate repetitive tasks.
  • Explore DevOps Tools:

    • Get hands-on experience with popular DevOps tools. Some key tools include:

      • Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, Travis CI.

      • Configuration Management: Ansible, Chef, Puppet.

      • Containerization: Docker.

      • Container Orchestration: Kubernetes.

  • Learn about Cloud Platforms:

    • Familiarize yourself with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Understand how to deploy and manage applications in a cloud environment.

Cloud platforms are online services that provide a variety of computing resources, including servers, storage, databases, networking, analytics, machine learning, and more, over the internet. These platforms enable businesses and individuals to access and use computing resources without the need to invest in and maintain physical hardware.

  • Practice Infrastructure as Code (IaC):

    • Learn IaC tools like Terraform to automate the provisioning and management of infrastructure.

Infrastructure as Code involves using code (scripts or configuration files) to define and automate the provisioning and management of infrastructure components such as servers, networks, and databases. This approach brings several benefits to the software development and operations processes.

  • Build and Deploy Applications:

    • Practice building and deploying applications using CI/CD pipelines. Understand the end-to-end process of taking code from development to production.
  • Focus on Monitoring and Logging:

    • Learn about monitoring tools (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana) and logging solutions (e.g., ELK stack) to gain insights into application performance and troubleshoot issues.

Monitoring and logging tools are essential components in the DevOps toolkit, providing insights into the performance, health, and behavior of applications and infrastructure.

  • Embrace Collaboration:

    • DevOps is not just about tools, it's also about culture. Encourage collaboration between development and operations teams. Foster a culture of shared responsibility.
  • Stay Updated:

    • DevOps is a dynamic field with new tools and practices emerging regularly. Stay updated on industry trends, attend webinars, conferences, and participate in forums and communities.
  • Build Soft Skills:

    • Develop soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. These are essential for effective collaboration within DevOps teams.
  • Work on Real Projects:

    • Apply your knowledge by working on real projects. This practical experience is invaluable for understanding how DevOps principles are implemented in real-world scenarios.

As you navigate through tools, processes, and cultural shifts, know that each challenge you encounter is an opportunity for growth.

The beauty of DevOps lies not only in the technical prowess but also in the soft skills that bind teams together. Communication, teamwork, and adaptability are the pillars of success in this collaborative ecosystem.

Ending >

I assume that you have tried out the code in your app.

I hope this post has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy Coding !

Thank You